Mount and Blade: Warband - Imperium Graecorum.Mount and Blade: Warband - Floris Mod Pack v2.5.Mount and Blade: Warband - Mount and Musket Battalion Mod.All known bugs were removed, some report texts were updated, lot of visual representations were tweaked and couple of new scenes added. This is the last and final BannerPage update, for that reason all the work was heavily focused on final polishing. Mod gives player multiple new options in almost every situation and thus adds a lot to the game's depth. Overhauled graphics, distinctive/immersive factions, new animations, new well balanced items, new music, new sounds, new scenes, improved AI, neat UI, new game mechanics in areas that don't affect balance but significantly improve player's experience and many, many more. Bannerpage is a full conversion from Native back to Native. At the same time mod religiously protects game's core values - single player campaign balance and maintains Vanilla's scent. It creates more immersive experience for hardcore players, returners but also new, younger players. Bannerpage tries to add where Native MBW is thin and aims to significantly improve areas in which game hasn't aged well.